Nine-Point Program to Help Educators Get Started
At no charge to educators, Youth for Human Rights International provides a complete package of teaching tools—including a teacher’s guide, booklets and videos—that can be used in any classroom globally.
Click here to order.
The following are nine simple steps any educator can take to start implementing a human rights program in a school, club or community group:
- Order a YHRI Education Package.
- Study the Youth for Human Rights International (YHRI) website and watch the 30 public service announcement videos.
- Receive your education package and become familiar with it, including the student lesson surveys.
- Use the lesson plans in the YHRI Educator’s Guide.
- Refer your students to the art/essay/poetry competitions. Click here.
- Help them choose, complete and submit the essays/art/poetry.
- Discuss what they learned from doing the essays/art/poetry.
- Send us the results of your pre- and post-lesson surveys, along with any other anecdotes, photos and videos you wish to share.
- The next step is to form a YHRI group at the school.